Our web hosting / web design business, www.SuperHosts.Net has been updated with a new look. This is the first change to SuperHosts since 2002 I believe. Over the coming weeks we will find the time to finish it up with some SEO, add a portfolio section to feature some of our sites, etc.
Some will ask why we are so expensive. The answer is: Because we are worth it! Sure, you can find hosting at much (MUCH) lower rates at thousands of other great providers. These days, the domain registrars sometimes offer the lowest rates on the ‘net. However, in most cases, all they provide is the hosting and everything else is left up to you. That is where Superhosts.Net is different. We don’t just offer you a virtual piece of real estate to post your pages. We are there from start to finish. When you have issues, need help, ideas, or some custom script or application, we are there for you.
We are not a perfect fit for everyone, but for those who want, or need a helping hand, that is where we shine! The rates listed on the site are just there as a guideline, we will custom-tailor a package that fits your every need.
Don’t go with just any host, go with SuperHosts!