Want to buy a computer for half off or more?

Whoa, I bet you clicked on the link to come here because you thought Homeland was having some awesome sale??? EVERY DAY is an awesome sale when you compare our prices to the prices in the following post: http://www.iheartchaos.com/post/10489506835/best-buy-ads-from-1996-look-like-they-might-as-well     You likely buying your computers at half the cost of those listed in the ad. Remember when RAM was that …

Google is planning to put an end to SSL exploits, hopefully before they happen with Chrome

The other day I posted about the BEAST that can circumvent SSL encryption used with websites and how a proof of concept would be demonstrated soon and actual exploits in the wild even sooner. No sooner had I posted about that than Google’s Chrome development team had posted that they have an update already prepared for the Chrome browser that …


What’s your favorite phone? Android? Which flavor?

What smartphone are you using and why? Our office has moved to Androids, and in particular Samsung Epic 4G (original and the new Galaxy S II Touch) and absolutely love them. I’d love you input….

SSL encryption broken – Proof of concept demo later this week #ph33r

My first reaction to the news that read “Hackers break SSL encryption used by millions of sites – Beware of BEAST decrypting secret PayPal cookies” was, “What took ’em so long?” The article above gives all the details you can stand, and a quick search of Google for news articles will tell you everything else you want to know. The …

We’re giving away Microsoft Office 2010 for the heck of it it! #Greenville

We have ended up with an extra Microsoft Office Home & Student 2010 Product Key Card, which has to be sold at the time of a new computer purchase… So, what are we to do with it? I think the only cool thing to do is give it away! Anyone who buys a HOME / PERSONAL computer from us during …

My next phone? Possibly Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch on Sprint….

One of our phones has a contract that is up and I could upgrade to the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch that was released just today on Sprint. Only one problem…  Nobody that I called in the Greenville area has one!  One person told me only 200 of the top stores got them today and those 200 stores …


Can you increase your processor’s performance without replacing it? With some Intel CPUs you can!

Our preferred vendor Nexlink, has an “Upgrade Ready” line of computers that makes perfect sense for businesses who may want to save some money when they initially purchase, but down the road, increase the “horsepower” of their computer without replacing the entire system, or changing out the processor. For example, if you purchased a business computer system from us with …

Old and busted – MBR viruses… New hotness – BIOS viruses (again)

This may come as no surprise to those who have been around computer security for a while, but the BIOS viruses are making a comeback! One of the first made its debut back in 1999 and was known as “CIH”.  But Symantec is reporting a new killer on the block called “Trojan.Mebromi” that affects the Award BIOS and seizes control …

Microsoft updates for Windows, Windows Server and Microsoft Office for Sept 13, 2011

Multiple vulnerabilities in MS Windows, MS Windows Server and Microsoft Office have been identified and addressed.  These should not be taken lightly as they are of a critical nature, allowing a “remote, unauthenticated attacker” the ability to gain access to your system, as well as DoS. If you require assistance applying updates to your business computers in the Greenville / …