This is our DCU, it is like many other DCUs, but this one is our own….
I bet you are wondering, “What the heck is a Data Containment Unit?” aren’t you?!!
The trashcan-like device pictured above is a DCU or “Data Containment Unit”. Its purpose in life is to hold old hard drives that are destined to be destroyed PHYSICALLY to prevent unauthorized retrieval or recovery of data that may be contained on them.
This DCU in particular is provided by our partner, EPC and will be located at the Homeland Secure IT office in Greenville.
When we pull hard drives from computers that are to be disposed of, the drives will be dropped into the DCU’s slot and remain under lock and key until a time when EPC’s mobile unit retrieves the contents and security destroys everything within.
Homeland Secure IT is offering *free* destruction of hard drives pulled from computers and servers we sell when they reach their end of life, or should the drive become non-functional and need to be replaced in one of the computers we have sold. Yes, even non-functioning hard drives can have their data recovered in many cases!
As a service to the community, we will be offering low cost destruction of drives brought in to us and deposited in the DCU. We can also remove the drives from your old computers for you.
For more information, please call 864-990-4748 or stop by 104 Mauldin Rd, Suite E in Greenville.