I’m going to just post this link….. I leave it up to you to read it, or not. Believe it, or not. http://gizmodo.com/5803498/apple-to-customer-service-dont-help-our-customers-with-malware There is a further link from that page: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/bott/apple-to-support-reps-do-not-attempt-to-remove-malware/3362 If you happen to feel your Mac is infected – seek a professional computer service provider’s input.
Will your next browser be missing the URL bar? Google Chrome will have an option for that
Found an interesting article titled “Google Is Serious: You Can Kill Chrome’s URL Bar” which gives a glimpse of what may be around the corner; The ability to hide the URL bar by default. What is the purpose? Smaller desktops, such as those found on netbooks could benefit from gaining a few pixels of real estate on the screen. However, …
Business focused Motion CL900 tablet is now available for order
Does your business need something other than the Apple iPad and Android based tablets? The Motion CL900 is now available for order! Effective today, the Motion CL900, the latest addition to Motion’s suite of enterprise-built tablet PCs, is now available for shipping with the standard 4 week lead time from Authorized Motion Reseller Partners. The CL900 is a rugged, lightweight …
Deleting system files before you leave a job is not a nice thing to do, and likely illegal!
I’ve said this before, but I think I will say it again. Should you leave a job and have personal files on your system, sure, by all means, delete your PERSONAL files, that’s okay, right? Maybe… In fact, laws on the books that state that everything you do at work is property of the employer, however, I am not a …
Bin Laden death results in malware spreading via social media, email and web
It will come as no surprise that anything newsworthy results in the creators of malware intensifying their efforts to spread their malicious code. The demise of Usama Bin Laden in no exception as various attempts to entice people to follow links through are being reported all over the place. I have seen 3 people I follow on social media who …
Password for life? Yeah, maybe…
I just read an interesting blog post over on http://www.baekdal.com/tips/password-security-usability which gives a good case for not using random letters, numbers, case and special characters… The writer claims the password of “this is fun” would take about 2500 years to hack. Most business security policies require passwords that are a minimum of 8 characters, with upper and lower case, numbers and …
Spring Cleaning??? Pffffffthththt
Every year about this time, millions of people spend hours or even days cleaning up their computers. They weed through mail, files and other data, trying to determine what is to be kept and what should be deleted. I suggest NOT cleaning. Sure, you can ORGANIZE, but why risk losing an important file? External hard drives are inexpensive and easy …
Don’t forget, TODAY is Internet Cleaning Day – Make sure you are prepared! PSE RT
It’s that time of year again when ISPs (Internet Service Providers) all around the world perform their yearly maintenance, call it “Spring Cleaning” if you will.If you have been living under a rock and missed the stories on the news and the countless emails flying around for the last week or so, then this may come as a total surprise …
Dell executive claims iPad is unlikely to dominate the enterprise market… Your thoughts?
Dell’s Global Head of Marketing was interviewed by CIO recently and one statement made global headlines, “Apple iPad will fail in the enterprise: Dell“. He claims that the iPad is too expensive to win in the enterprise market and that other devices may very well beat it out… Of course Dell would like to think that their own will be …
Hard drive data recovery demonstration with special appearance by Shred Disk @ShredDisk
When you buy a new computer, what do you do with the old one? Donate it to charity? Give it to a friend? Leave it with the computer vendor who sold you the new computer? Sell it on Craigslist? The real question here is, what happens to the data on the hard drive in your old system? Do you take …