A group of creative and daring Greenville / Upstate, SC individuals spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time to bring us Bovinova 2011… What was it? It was BIG! Here’s a Wall Street Journal video that details it: (Vegetarians and Vegans may want to skip this. hahah) Alas, no mention of The Dockside Band playing, but …
Password for life? Yeah, maybe…
I just read an interesting blog post over on http://www.baekdal.com/tips/password-security-usability which gives a good case for not using random letters, numbers, case and special characters… The writer claims the password of “this is fun” would take about 2500 years to hack. Most business security policies require passwords that are a minimum of 8 characters, with upper and lower case, numbers and …
Spring Cleaning??? Pffffffthththt
Every year about this time, millions of people spend hours or even days cleaning up their computers. They weed through mail, files and other data, trying to determine what is to be kept and what should be deleted. I suggest NOT cleaning. Sure, you can ORGANIZE, but why risk losing an important file? External hard drives are inexpensive and easy …
Homeland Secure IT will be taking Good Friday off!
What Friday isn’t good when you take it off? Seriously though, in observation of Easter weekend, Homeland Secure IT will not open the office on Friday so everyone can spend time with family. We WILL be available via email and phone. Should the need arise, please do not hesitate to call us on Friday. Have a very pleasant holiday weekend! …
ShredDisk is offering FREE hard drive destruction at the Greenville Grow Expo!
Our friend Brent with ShredDisk is offering free hard drive shredding and computer recycling during the Grow Expo event on May 17th! Please read his blog post at http://www.shreddisk.com/blog/?p=146 Hard drive destruction remains the only 100% effective way to insure your data is protected when decommissioning a hard disk drive and this is a great opportunity to get rid of one …
What doesn’t kill you… Doug Aamoth sticks tweezers in a wet surge protector.
Occasionally I find a product claim so outlandish that I scoff at it. When I saw the Wet Circuits surge protector claims a while back, I thought how I wouldn’t do what they were doing in the video. (If you have not seen their videos, they demonstrate them by sticking tweezers into them while they were wet, as in under …
Bovinova…. That is all….
Today starts the epic culinary event of the season… Bovinova. This thing is going to be a blast. But, unfortunately, I can’t tell you about it, until after the event. There will be fire, meat, swords (not meat swords though), entertainment and a good time will be had by all. The presenters have been working on this for months, …
The Warehouse Theatre’s “A Lesson Before Dying” Will Leave You Thinking
We all learned many valuable lessons after having the privilege of seeing A Lesson Before Dying the play at The Warehouse Theater based on the novel by Ernest J. Gaines. The powerful and moving production left my family slightly numb as we headed for our traditional pizza after every Warehouse Play. The silence was broken after John’s question at the …
Don’t forget, TODAY is Internet Cleaning Day – Make sure you are prepared! PSE RT
It’s that time of year again when ISPs (Internet Service Providers) all around the world perform their yearly maintenance, call it “Spring Cleaning” if you will.If you have been living under a rock and missed the stories on the news and the countless emails flying around for the last week or so, then this may come as a total surprise …
Dell executive claims iPad is unlikely to dominate the enterprise market… Your thoughts?
Dell’s Global Head of Marketing was interviewed by CIO recently and one statement made global headlines, “Apple iPad will fail in the enterprise: Dell“. He claims that the iPad is too expensive to win in the enterprise market and that other devices may very well beat it out… Of course Dell would like to think that their own will be …