Paul Savas and the Warehouse Theatre have done it again… They provided an evening of entertainment for my family that did not break the bank! Just what I needed on a Friday evening! This time we attended the opening performance of “Screwtape”, an adaptation of “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis, which I have never read or had any exposure to at …
Black Friday & Cyber Monday Computer Deals too Good to Pass Up…
Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the USA, in case you missed it… Everyone here at Homeland Secure IT and our families have so much to be thankful for that I would have to dedicate an entire blog post to just that… One thing worth mentioning other than the most obvious like the ability to live in the greatest country on …
Our daughter Megan performing Canon in D Major – Duet at Furman
Our daughter has been involved in the Furman Pre-College Music Program for the last 8 years. Every year they have two recitals, a spring solo, and a fall duet. Friday marked Megan’s final duet, as she is now preparing to leave this program and attend Converse College next year. She will have one more solo recital and the option of …
Clean The Fan – A funny, but truthful tale of notebook computer service!
This young man created a great video that illustrates the difficulties of typical notebook computer service; removing too many panels, parts, screws all to get to a component for replacement, repair or cleaning. In this case, he just wants to “clean the fan”. Sure it is funny to watch, but honestly, some of these notebooks make it very difficult to …
Samsung Galaxy Tab, Fascinate & Epic 4G Thoughts
Anyone who has been following this blog knows that it was just about a month ago that I bought Android based phones and dumped our (until recently) beloved RIM Blackberry phones… My thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G after EXTENSIVE use are pretty much what I knew the day we first got them: Short battery life (Have increased that …
A Billion Views – Awesome Video – PSE RT
These guys did such a great job with the song, and the video…. Please take some time to go to digg and reddit (as mentioned in the video of course) and help promote them. Click on the video below to view on YouTube and LIKE them and comment… See if you can spot and hear all the memes that are …
Flowchart: Explain the internet to a 19th century British street urchin
Posted on today was a flowchart to help you explain the internet…. Keep this handy if you will be time traveling over the holidays….
IP Cam Viewer by Robert Chou is the best surveillance camera viewer for Android!
Since we have cameras at our offices and homes, it was only natural to want to see them on our new Android phones (Samsung Epic 4g). We downloaded every app we could find in the marketplace and tried each of them out. Without a doubt, the best remote camera viewer was “IP Cam Viewer” by Robert Chou. This app is …
The Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack Can Save You Money!
Microsoft’s Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack offers you a three pack of licenses, allowing up to three computers in your family to upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium! It is available in either 32 or 64 bit versions. The cost is very affordable at only about 50 dollars per seat! In comparison, a single upgrade version of Windows 7 …
Sprint Samsung Epic 4g being used for computer service technicians – first impressions
Wanna buy a RIM Blackberry 8350i for Nextel / Sprint? We have a few for sale! In an earlier blog posts, I rambled a bit about the desire to leave the Blackberry, but why we didn’t, and then last week, I posted about finally dumping the Blackberry phones for new Android smart phones. Today I will bore you with my …