By now you have heard about the contest that Google has that will bring one lucky community the fastest internet connection possible. I support Greenville, SC all the way. Google, please hook us up! Please sign our petitions at:
A Computer Engineer Barbie Sounds AWESOME to me
I’m a little too old to play with dolls (as far as you know), however, I think I would buy a “Computer Engineer Barbie” to use as our mascot at mainly because it is geek-gone-mainstream if nothing else. Additionally, think of the inspiration it could be to a young child who may actually be influenced to become an IT professional, …
Social Media Dorks Get Their Own Anthem
@Retroloco turned me onto this…. Pretty darn good!
Today’s Wi-Fi Fear: Thieves using RDF to find notebooks
An article on made me chuckle today… Apparently the Bad Guys are now using Radio Direction Finding (RDF) to locate hidden notebooks because their 802.11* wireless was enabled. It seems amazing to me that it has taken this long for anyone to realize that if a ntoebook or any other device is “wireless”, that it is transmitting a signal, …
Hexakopter Six Bladed Chopper Based on Microkopter
I would love to have one of these…..
Vote for our Cisco contest entry on Brickfish
Okay, this contest is over on the 4th @ 2:30 AM (eastern time), so I will soon stop begging you to vote… until then, please click and vote! Thank you so much for your continued support!!!! Heroes of the Human Network Sponsored by Cisco
ChatRoulette.Com is the Devil’s Tool
If you believe all the hype, www.ChatRoulette.comwill consume your soul. It is the one-stop-shopping of online predators, perverts and miscreants… Fox News had a great “everybody panic” type story entitled “Predetor’s Paradise” just yesterday that outlined the video chat service and how evil it is. was the first nightmare of every parent, then and now it is ChatRoulette. …
Forgotten Technologies – BBSes, Amigas, IRC, etc
Today I spent about an hour or more showing Scott what an Amiga A-4000T is all about. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any disks with me to show him the awesome 80s & 90s graphics. Nor did I get it online to show him what that machine was used for. What was it used for? I’m glad you asked! It was used …
Example of Supercooling & Snap Freezing
I have been a fan of Mr. Wizard, or for those of you who are too young to know who that is, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” type experiments that you can do at home for as long as I can remember. One simple experiment that I first learned about only a couple years ago was that of supercooling water …