Sprint Samsung Epic 4g being used for computer service technicians – first impressions

Wanna buy a RIM Blackberry 8350i for Nextel / Sprint? We have a few for sale! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320599349838#ht_694wt_1139 In an earlier blog posts, I rambled a bit about the desire to leave the Blackberry, but why we didn’t, and then last week, I posted about finally dumping the Blackberry phones for new Android smart phones. Today I will bore you with my …

Microsoft Office 2010 Home & Student Edition Features & Applications

Looking to upgrade to the new Microsoft Office 2010 and don’t know which version to get? Here’s a run-down on the features and applications included in the Home & Student edition of Microsoft Office 2010. This version is well suited to the typical user who works at home and does not require Outlook, Publisher, Access, etc.  I have included a …