Homeland Secure IT Alert for Friday, June 18, 2010 Greetings and salutations, Last week we warned of Critical Vulnerabilities which affect Adobe products and this week we are hearing of many people being exploited by these security holes. There are patches and updates available that will secure your system, however, they are not applied automatically and must be performed by …
SECURE IT ALERT: Apple’s worst security breach: 114,000 iPad owners exposed
Apple iPad owners have their first major security worry…. As the title says… Read more here: http://gawker.com/5559346/apples-worst-security-breach-114000-ipad-owners-exposed If you own an iPad, you may wish to visit that page.
SECURE IT ALERT: Vulnerabilities & Patches in Apple, Adobe, & Microsoft products
Homeland Secure IT Alert for Wednesday, June 09, 2010 Greetings and salutations! A number of vulnerabilities have been announced this week which may affect your network and computer systems. In most cases the solution is provided in the form of a link. MICROSOFT WINDOWS, INTERNET EXPLORER, OFFICE, SHAREPOINT SERVICES & .NET FRAMEWORK: -CRITICAL- Microsoft has released updates for Windows OS, …
Laptop containing medical information has been lost or stolen in Oconee SC – Is YOUR data secure?
Every computer service and support company in the world just waits in the wings for headlines like this one from today on GreenvilleOnline.com: “Missing laptop may compromise Oconee Heart Center Patients’ data“. It’s not because we revel in the suffering of others, but because it underscores the importance of the message that computer techs preach over and over “secure your …