It’s that time again! Time to do some spring cleaning! This is where millions of people spend hours or even days cleaning up their computers. Wedding mail, files and other data in an attempt to simplify their life and to determine what is to be kept and what should be deleted. I suggest NOT cleaning. Sure, you can ORGANIZE, but …
Cloud Computing Allows for Millions of People to be Down at Once #Office365 #CloudComputing
The Microsoft issue today that prevented millions and millions (over 300 million) of people from getting to their email for several hours serves as a reminder that “The Cloud” is not perfect yet. While most businesses who have a typical Microsoft Exchange Server might experience an outage that affects their users, when a cloud provider has a glitch, it affects a …
SECURE IT ALERT: Usama Bin Laden Death Email Scam Warning Issued by the FBI
Homeland Secure IT Alert Homeland Secure IT Alert for Friday, May 13 2011 On May 04, the FBI issued a warning about links related to the death of Usama bin Laden. The text from the FBI site follows: Malicious Software Features Usama bin Laden Links to Ensnare Unsuspecting Computer Users The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) urges computer users to …
Deleting system files before you leave a job is not a nice thing to do, and likely illegal!
I’ve said this before, but I think I will say it again. Should you leave a job and have personal files on your system, sure, by all means, delete your PERSONAL files, that’s okay, right? Maybe… In fact, laws on the books that state that everything you do at work is property of the employer, however, I am not a …
Spring Cleaning??? Pffffffthththt
Every year about this time, millions of people spend hours or even days cleaning up their computers. They weed through mail, files and other data, trying to determine what is to be kept and what should be deleted. I suggest NOT cleaning. Sure, you can ORGANIZE, but why risk losing an important file? External hard drives are inexpensive and easy …
Please stop following every link through that you see in email, Facebook, Twitter, etc…
Being in the computer service business, every day we are seeing more and more computers that have been compromised, whether they are Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Linux, it doesn’t matter. Even iPhones and Androids are falling victim to various malware found as a result of blindly following links. What can you do to help protect yourself, your computer …
Homeland Secure IT Office Closed Today (Jan 10, 2010) due to #snOMG – But we are available via phone/email
Well, I gave it a valiant effort, got the car dug out, even got it down that steep driveway and down the street, but was unable to get out of the neighborhood here in the big town of Easley… Tomorrow may be a better day for driving, but with the school systems already declaring tomorrow another snow day, and the …
Are you ready for Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011?
The “preview” of Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 7 has been available for months, and it looks like we are approaching an RTM (Release To Manufacturing) soon. Windows Small Business Server 7 is a total refresh of the Small Business Server 2008 which was built around Microsoft Server 2008 and Microsoft Exchange 2007. SBS 7 is built around Microsoft Server …
Stuxnet virus possibly biggest threat to industry ever
An article from the Associated Press published on on Wednesday outlines the threat that the Stuxnet virus poses to industry around the world. The malicious computer attack appears to primarily target the Iranian nuclear plants, but according to the article, it can be modified to interfere with industrial control systems around the world, and “represents the most dire cyberthreat …
G-20 Summit is latest spam attack subject
A post today on Trend Micro’s TrendLabs Malware blog pointed out how spammers will use the upcoming G-20 Summit as a way to distribute their content. It works like this: The spammer sends emails out, they appear to come from the Japanese finance ministry and contain comments on issues related to the Summit. Should you click on the link, it will …