Secure IT Alert: Potential Microsoft Windows SMB vulnerability discovered

Homeland Secure IT Alert for Thursday, February 17, 2011 I’m posting this verbatim from the WatchGuard security blog… — Yesterday, a gray hat going by the alias Cupidon-3005 posted details about a zero day Windows SMB vulnerability that could potentially allow attackers to gain control of fully patched Windows Server 2003 and XP computers. Microsoft is currently investigating this surprise …

Secure IT Alert: Microsoft January 2011 Patch Tuesday addresses Windows security vulnerabilities

Secure IT Alert for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Yesterday, January 11, 2011 was the first “Patch Tuesday” of the year from Microsoft. More information can be found here: In short, if you are running a vulnerable version of the Microsoft Windows OS, you will need to apply these patches or risk suffering an exploit. And, as usual, keep your …

Password security is a necessary inconvenience these days due to various sites being hacked…

It sure has been an event filled weekend regarding security! Several high profile sites have been hacked…  The largest is the Gawker controlled sites, Gawker, Gizmodo, Lifehacker and a slew of others where it is estimated that as many as 1.5 million usernames and passwords may have been compromised. Supposedly, the Gawker passwords also allowed Facebook to be used for …


Secure IT Alert: Koobface Variant Infects Linux, Mac & Windows Systems

Homeland Secure IT Alert Homeland Secure IT Alert for Thursday, October 28, 2010 In the news today you will find that a new variant of the infamous Koobface is making the rounds via social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. Unsuspecting users are enticed to click a video link in a direct message which links to a bogus …

SECURE IT ALERT: A Plethora of Microsoft Vulnerabilities Patched! #MS #IIS #Windows #Office #Microsoft

Homeland Secure IT Alert for Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Yesterday’s “Patch Tuesday” was an exciting one… It included patches across the board for all Microsoft Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office and IIS (web server). The most critical in my opinion is IIS as it often sits on your server, providing Outlook Web Access, or other data, and is accessible to …

The latest Windows vulnerability is… The Engergizer DUO USB battery charger

While reading through CERT advisories, I came across an interesting one – a USB battery charger made by Energizer is vulnerable to a remote hacker who could gain access to your files and gain full control of your machine with administrator privileges. The solution is to uninstall the software. Read more at this blog:;col1