Happy birthday to my baby girl, Megan!!!!! (AKA @MegzCA / Megz)

Today is a special day… It’s the birthday of Megan, my daughter! But what makes it any different than her other birthdays? Well, for one, this birthday is her first as a young lady out on her own, or close to being on her own. She’s attending college and though it is only an hour away, it feels like she …


Happy Birthday to my Little Princess – Megan! @MegzCA

Our daughter, Megan, turned 18 today, and deserves to be recognized for the awesome young lady she is!  Sure, I could have just scribbled something on a card, taken her out to dinner (yeah, we are doing that too) or something similar, but I figured I would go this route and force her to come read my rants and raves! …