Is your premise security and video surveillance all that it can be?

Here’s a sad story… A local (Spartanburg, SC) music store was broken into over the weekend and 40,000 dollars in gear was taken. The theft doesn’t look like your typical smash and grab either, because the thieve/s appear to have known the layout and went to great lengths to avoid detection. They entered through a skylight, after cutting power to …

Apple’s Mac OS X Lion poses enterprise security risks (this is not a repeat)…

Using Mac’s in your enterprise? You will want to read this article http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/26/mac_osx_lion_security_hole/… This is kind of a big deal, as it underscores that Mac OS X Lion machines simply fail at LDAP, a basic part of enterprise network integration. In short, if you bring these Macs into your environment, once authenticated, they simply don’t care which password is entered, they …

Trend Micro Titanium 2012 anti-virus / anti-malware now available

Trend Micro has unveiled their Titanium update for 2012! Keep your identity, data and social network protected from a new generation of threats. Staying safe online these days is about more than just avoiding malware. You have to protect your device, your privacy, your personal data, your social network, and your family against an army of new threats. Given that abandoning …

Just “deleting” a file could land you in prison #datasecurity

Alrighty, that sounded bad… Deleting a file probably won’t land you in jail unless you are doing something illegal in the first place. The idiot who attempted to extort money with a “collar bomb” was most likely caught due to leaving a message on a USB flash drive that he had deleted files from. The ONLY safe way to remove …

Your mailbox has NOT exceeded the storage limit as set by your administrator

One thing I am asked weekly is, “I just received an email alert telling me my mailbox exceeded the storage limit, why is that?”. Wellllllll, first of all, these messages, though they come in email and look all official, signed by “System Administrator” or something similar, are likely phishing attempts. If you hover over the URL listed to “re-validate” your …

Security consultancy advises enterprise clients to steer clear of adopting large numbers of Macs

An article in The Register states, “Beware of Macs in enterprise” due to the findings by iSec Partners who claim large numbers of Macs are “in many ways more vulnerable than recent versions of Windows.” The vulnerability they specifically mention is the DHX authentication scheme which is easy to compromise and apparently “trivial to force OS X server to resort …

Considering Storage, IP Surveillance, Security, Wireless or Switching for your business? Thought about D-Link?

Everyone is familiar with Cisco products, but not everyone may realize there are alternatives which can affect your bottom line drastically while providing an identical feature set and experience. D-Link is a leader in the field and their products can often times go head-to-head with Cisco. D-Link offers: Wireless network equipment, like access points, managed wireless switches for large scale …

Atlanta Georgia to get centralized monitoring of public and private surveillance cameras

Privacy advocates are fired up over the multi-million dollar video integration center planned for Atlanta Georgia. This system will monitor up to 500 cameras simultaneously, some owned by the city and some private, at a centralized data center. At that center, software will be in place that can identify “suspicious” behavior and allow monitoring employees to deploy emergency personnel rapidly. …

Secure IT Alert: CERT Issues Security Recommendations to Prevent Cyber Intrusions

Homeland Secure IT Alert for Wednesday, July 21st, 2011 The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team has issued their recommendations for protection against network intrusions.  I have included the entire document below, but the most current version of the document can be found here.  Please keep in mind that these recommendations are not related to any one platform. These are …