I know, you’ve seen this before, but every winter it seems like I post a video of this… Simple people like me are easily amused I reckon. Here’s a bottle of water freezing instantly this morning (January 22nd, 2014): On a more business-like note, I’ll be posting about the end of Microsoft Windows XP support soon, I hope you …
Silly Science Trick: Super-Cooling & Snap Freezing Experiment #137
While most people whine and complain about the cold weather, I look forward to it for many reasons. I don’t dig the heat, or the humidity at all, which is really funny because have opted to live in the South! What’s to look forward to? Snow, ice, seeing your breath, doing donuts in your car in the snow (uhmmm or …
Example of Supercooling & Snap Freezing
I have been a fan of Mr. Wizard, or for those of you who are too young to know who that is, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” type experiments that you can do at home for as long as I can remember. One simple experiment that I first learned about only a couple years ago was that of supercooling water …