Hate analog technology? You can opt-out of Yellow Page delivery and be green…

How about this for saving the environment: You can OPT OUT of receiving those pesky yellow pages phone books at your location! VISIT HERE to Opt Out This will come as good news for those who strive to be green, and bad news for the yellow page providers. Of course, there are some legitimate reasons you may still wish to …


Sprint Samsung Epic 4g being used for computer service technicians – first impressions

Wanna buy a RIM Blackberry 8350i for Nextel / Sprint? We have a few for sale! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320599349838#ht_694wt_1139 In an earlier blog posts, I rambled a bit about the desire to leave the Blackberry, but why we didn’t, and then last week, I posted about finally dumping the Blackberry phones for new Android smart phones. Today I will bore you with my …

Greenville computer service, repair, support and more – Way more… #greenville

This morning I was having a discussion with a potential client and we were talking about the “Homeland Secure IT” name, the individual mentioned that they understood the play on words, however they were simply not sure how to take “IT”, because they thought of “IT” only in the terms of “Information Technology”… I explained that the “IT” in our …

Web enabled thermostats aim to save you money and give you control from anywhere!

Web Enabled Thermostats: A not-so-new technology is becoming mainstream due to the desire to save money and be “green”. If you have been looking to purchase a new HVAC system for your home or business, you may have been given the option to include a thermostat that enables you to view statistics & make changes to the settings using a …


Augen Android 2.1 tablet computer available from K-Mart for $150 – iPad killer?

The Androids are coming, the Androids are coming! A few posts ago I talked about the number of portable tablet computers / pads that are coming on the market. Yesterday I took Scott’s Android pad to a Greenville meeting spot (Halfway to Habana) where we gather on Thursdays for fun and fellowship – nobody seemed too impressed with the device …

We’re going to have tablet computers coming out of our ears soon!

The tablet computer wars are coming…  The awesome little Apple iPad will soon have serious competition from some big names in desktop, laptop and notebook computers…. Cisco, Lenovo, Toshiba, HP and LG, to name a few have either made plans to release pad / tablet computers, or have actually got a product to offer. And that is just the tip …

Need new servers or computers? Congress extends amount small businesses may write-off for capital expenditures to 250k!

Time to upgrade your server or servers? Need new computers for your business? How about upgrading all your firewalls to the latest technology? New VoIP phone system? CCTV Cameras? Notebooks for all your field reps? Congress extended the amount that small businesses may write-off for capital expenditures in 2010 to $250,000, and that means this may be the best year …