Computer Service: Operating System Not Found error may not be anything to cry over

It seems like once a month or so we get a phone call from someone who is freaking out over their computer not booting up… In the case of the system giving a blank / black screen, or the even more ominous “Operating System Not Found” / “Missing operating system” message and nothing further upon boot up, you might be …


Dual Monitors – Give it a try and increase your productivity!

Many people from investment bankers to video and photo editors have been using multiple monitors on their desktops for years, but the majority of individuals have not realized the value in adding video “real estate” to their desktops. A typical computer worker will have a 19″ monitor on their desk, and spend a good part of their day flipping between …


Secure IT Alert: Microsoft Issues Critical Patches for XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003 & 2008

Homeland Secure IT Alert for Monday, August 02, 2010 Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch: Rated Critical Microsoft issues out-of-band security bulletin and patch today August 2, 2009. Out of band means released ahead of the regular scheduled monthly update.  The out-of-band patch is designed to address a security flaw in the way shortcuts are displayed. Software affected includes Windows operating system, various versions, …