Google High Speed Fiber Internet Still THE Hot Topic in Greenville

If you are from the Greenville / Upstate area you would have to be living as a Quaker to not know about all that is going on with the effort to bring Google Fiber here. Heck, even Quakers probably are aware of the community effort to catch the eye of Google. It is not just localized either. Greenville is showing …

Google On Main Was A Total Success!

Last night my wife Pamela, daughter Megan and her friend Christina attended Google On Main along with hundreds of others and formed the letters that spelled out “Google” while swinging LED glow sticks over our heads and posing for photos and videos as a helicopter and plane flew over. What a blast! What does it all mean? It means that …

Google High Speed Fiber Coming To Greenville SC

Okay, the title is deceiving, as Google has not picked where they are going yet… However, we here in the Upstate are hoping that Google will select Greenville, SC as their test bed for 1 Gig of fiber awesomeness! This Saturday, many people are planning on meeting downtown in Greenville in an effort to make everyone in the world aware …

Thinking about Google Apps for your business?

Homeland Secure IT, LLC can assist you with a move to (or from) Google Apps. We are a reseller of Google Apps and can help determine if using an “in the cloud” solution is right for you. Some interesting news is that Google has made it (somewhat) easy to migrate from your current Microsoft Exchange system to their hosted solution. …

Business Continuity Plan – Power Protection

In our own continued effort to maintain a business continuity plan at Homeland Secure IT, LLC, we are now looking into a generator system. Currently, in the event of a power outage, we have uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) from APC that will keep our main servers and desktops online, however, we will be in the dark. These UPS (UPSes? UPSii?) …


Homeland Secure IT now has two Microsoft Sales Specialists

Greg and I took the Microsoft Sales Specialist Virtualization courses and then the associated assessments and are happy we passed, giving us yet another certificate to hang on the wall. The Microsoft Sales Specialist courses prepared us for assisting our clients with the task of virtualizing their desktops and servers. The courses cover everything you need to know about the …

John is Feeling Lucky! Google: Please hook us up!

By now you have heard about the contest that Google has that will bring one lucky community the fastest internet connection possible. I support Greenville, SC all the way. Google, please hook us up! Please sign our petitions at: